Friday, August 2, 2013

"Serial" Offenses

The Whole World -- at least, those of you who have been paying attention -- know that I love, love, LOVE old-fashioned serial damsel-in-distress deathtraps.  Littered along this blog are my meager artistic attempts to recreate them.

Alas, the old Serials never ended quite the way I wanted them to end, so I thought I'd try my hand at it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hay, it's hot in here!

Those Wicked Foremen will get you, every time!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Romantic in me

I have to admit, I'm such a romantic. I have a penchant for Damsels in Distress, of course ... but I really, really LOVE Damsels in Peril! Lethal, Gruesome, Horrifying Peril! ... ... with still a chance, to escape, or to be rescued, just in that last-split-second nick of time! I haven't posted a lot, but I have been busy. Here are a few of my latest attempts at portraying my favorite fantasy situations. All of these little vignettes tell their own story (I've captioned them in other forums with my own) ... but, here, I'll let the viewer's imagination take them wherever they want to go. :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Boy, it's been quite a while, hasn't it? I'd almost forgotten this place was here. Don't worry, I haven't changed my evil ways, I had just been exploring other interests, ... like, for instance, food, clothing, shelter, you know, real-life stuff. But, I haven't put my ropes and duct tape away, by any means! I thought I'd drop a couple of peril images in, just to get my feet wet again. (Where have all the Heroes gone? LOL!