Thursday, October 16, 2014

 He told her to prepare for The Role of a Lifetime ... but warned her that they would have to get it right, on the first take ...

The Old Man had never been more than a bit player at the old studio.

Yet, he had always fancied himself a great actor/director, in the mold of Chaplin, and Fairbanks, and Keaton. And, the new Studio Exec had been implored to keep him on, by some of the old-timers around the lot, so that the Old Man could have a steady paycheck, in his twilight years.

But, when he stole the money and equipment to make some dumb, boring old silent movie ... the Studio Exec had the Old Man fired, on the spot.

It was then that the "Great Director" would show them all -- and, with the 'help' of the Studio Exec's own daughter -- he set out to show them all, just how exciting those old silent movie thrillers could be, in the right hands ...