Monday, July 13, 2009

More Than Just a Hat Rack

Presently, I am completing a roleplay in which The Villain (that would be me) has lured a SuperHeroine into an erotic deathtrap, to wit: I am about to turn her into 100 lbs. (more or less) of fresh kibbles and bits. I thought I had planned it well, and the execution was generally pretty good (nothing ever comes off 100% the way you intend). But, as she lay (not-so) helplessly bound and gagged on my Conveyor Belt of Doom, the heroine demonstrated a glaring, almost embarrassing flaw in my plan. (It was the first time I had played with this Heroine. So, in keeping with my usual approach, I wanted to plant a couple of seeds which she could use to *germinate* her way out of the grisly fate I had planned for her. What she found, however, resulted from a simple oversight on my part.)

The point is that this is a Heroine who is well-known for using her wit, intelligence and (dare I say?) heroic humanity to extricate herself from all manner of predicaments. And, as it happens, sometimes, ... we Villains like it that way!

Now, I have nothing against a damsel who, when faced with her ultimate fate, searches in vain for her own way out. I can mercilessly gloat, twirl my moustache, and flourish my cape with the best of them when it comes to a poor, sobbing creature waiting helplessly for spinning wheels or slashing blades to end her miserable existence. But, there is something about a Victim who refuses to be a Victim: The lady who, despite all odds, manages to defeat a Bad Guy's best-laid plans for untold riches, world domination, or just plain ol' revenge. That would be the Damsel who uses her determination, as well as her head, to save the day.

A few months ago I re-acquired a cherished comic book panel of Mary Batson (Marvel Girl). She was about to squashed like an unpeeled grape at the hands of a Villain named the Owl, in the final panel of a comic story, which was (naturally) to be continued in the next issue. The situation looked hopeless; not knowing how the issue would be resolved, I assumed that there would be some kind of comic-book Deus ex Machina that would pull Mary out of harm's way.

Well, just a couple of days ago, I ran into the first few panels of what must be the next issue. Okay, maybe some of you guys had seen this before, but I hadn't, and I was impressed. Mary Batson recognized the mere sliver of an opportunity, seized upon it, and Shazam! (well, actually, that would come after she got the gag off, but, you know what I mean).

And, that, in turn, reminded me of one of my favorite clips from an old Italian movie, "Il Vecino di Casa", from 1973*. Readers of this blog would be familiar with this scene

where Laura Belli (Heroine) lies B&G while the Villain goes to prepare dirt-enclosed resting places for her and her boyfriend. I always admire the determination of Ms. Belli's character in practically willing herself across the floor to lock the Villain out of the house in an heroic attempt to save their lives. Again, the situation looked hopeless, and she could have spent five minutes on film sobbing helplessly into her gag (It probably would have sucked to look at, but she was bound and gagged, so I have to admit, I wouldn't have minded it).

But, as in the other cases mentioned above, the Heroine had an active mind, kept her wits about her, and used her spunk and determination to throw obstacles in the way, and in some cases defeat the Villain.

And, as The Bad Guy, I have to say (grudgingly), ... I kind of like that.

--- The 'evil' TRU

*NOTE: I've had the Italian clip so long that I've forgotten from where I obtained it originally. As with anything posted on this blog, I try to credit it. If you recognize where this came from, drop a line so that it can be properly acknowledged. If anything on here is yours, and you object, it will be deleted immediately upon request, no questions asked. -- The Management (er, that would be Me, again. *g*)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cyrkle Jerked

This Golden Oldie (or, if you prefer, Musty Dusty) was smokin' the charts back in 1966. I thought I would dust this number off, 43 years later, and dedicate it to the late, unlamented social networking site Yahoo 360, which closes down (good riddance!) this weekend. It seems oddly appropriate for the occasion.

Performed by 'Cyrkle':

Lyrics by Paul Simon:

Friday, July 10, 2009

D.i.D. Entertainment

(in character)

We at TRU Industries, Inc., are proud to announce the launch of our new Film and Media Unit -- D.i.D. Productions!

D.i.D. Productions will specialize in updated Damsels in Distress dramatic entertainment. We have identified a severely under-represented niche market in the mature entertainment field, regarding comely damsels, dastardly villains, perilous situations, and the occasional stupid dashing hero. D.i.D. Productions will deliver time-tested thrills, chills, and excitement to discerning audiences, tired of the bland fare offered in today's modern entertainment.

Furthermore, we'd like to announce our first film production coup -- D.i.D has recently landed the White Owl! That's right, Queen City's own SuperStarHeroine has (more or less) consented to lend her services to one of our first original productions, entitled: "Operation: Snowbird!"

Filming has already begun on location in Queen City, Space City, and everywhere in between. Plot details will remain secret, but we expect that the feather-flying, beak-grinding, surprise (for her) ending will keep audiences buzzing, long after they've left the theater!

Other titles already in production include the recently-completed "Hazards of Housesitting" and its sequel, "The Training of Ellie", starring veteran DiD-er Ellie (Girl) S.; "The Secret of the Submarine," featuring everyone's favorite sea-faring snooper, Emma L.; and, "Training Jessica" (working title), introducing an exciting new personality to the world of DiD, Jessica Jeopardy!

The formation of D.i.D Productions promises a proud and exciting new chapter, in the history of DiD entertainment! Keep your eyes on this space, for further details, as developments warrant.

--- Press Release
D.i.D. Entertainment Company
Film and Media Subsidiary Unit of TRU Industries, Inc.
Released Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another Case of Bad Cellular -- Brain Cellular, that is

Hey, Boss, ... what does a 'glade' mean?

Master Villain:
Why, a 'glade' means a clearing. Most often, it is used in relation to a forest. Where there are no trees growing in a relatively open space inside a wooded area, that space is referred to as a 'glade'. (Pause) Why do you ask?

"Oh, no reason, Boss. Just that me 'n' da boys had to go look it up, just to make sure we didn't do nothin' wrong."

Master Villain:
(Sighs) It has been my rueful experience that whenever a Henchman questions whether he has done anything wrong, he invariably already has done something that is quite wrong. Tell me what you did.

We did it just like you said, Boss. Followed your instructions to the letter. A couple of the guys said it didn't make any sense, but I insisted that we do exactly ...

Master Villain:
You kidnapped the witness, correct?


Master Villain:
You took her to the old sawmill, correct?


Master Villain:
You tied her to a log, correct?

Yup, Boss, just like you said, good 'n' tight! Even gagged her, too.

Master Villain:
Then, you turned on the conveyor belt, and left her to face her cruel peril alone ... is that correct?

(Pauses) See, that's the part we didn't quite understand, Boss. Why would we turn on the conveyor belt?

Master Villain:
(Exasperated) How were you planning to eliminate the witness, without turning on the buzz-saw? Were you going to do her in simply by exposing her to your boundless innate intelligence? What part of 'Leave her fate to the blade!' did you not understand?!?!

(Stammering) "Oh, um, ... w-well, you see, Boss, it was ... when you said, 'Leave her fate to the blade,' I thought you said, 'Leave her safe in the glade'. (Pauses) See, that's the part that didn't make no sense to some of the guys. They were like, why were we goin' to all this trouble if we were just gonna ... Boss? Boss, you still there? Boss? Geez, I guess it must be another case of bad cellular. Boss? Oh, Boss ... ?"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

In Other Words, She's Fired

(in character)

From: Project Manager, S.H.I.F.T. Program

To: Tyrone Randolph Upp, CEO

CC: General Manager, TRU Industries Damsel Acquisition Project

RE: S.H.I.F.T. Program Pilot Project

Have found suitable location for company's Self-Help Insurance Funded Transformation (S.H.I.F.T.) Project, pilot program. To wit: Seedy, run-down warehouse by the docks. Fire-trap potential: Estimated at 100%, as of tonight. Transformation of this useless property into insurance funded liquid assets is expected to proceed apace, without further delay.

As predicted, we've encountered mild resistance from opponents of the S.H.I.F.T. Program. Recently discovered an industrial espionage agent, TRU Employee ID #8675-309 (pictured above), who was caught working against company interests by attempting to expose the S.H.I.F.T. Program to unauthorized law enforcement and insurance personnel.

Fortunately, said employee's efforts to halt or unnecessarily publicize the S.H.I.F.T. project have been thwarted. Pilot Project scheduled to proceed as soon as TRU Industries' Hi-Grade accelerant is properly distributed throughout the building.

Needless to say, we also anticipate that this will be said employee's last night on the job.

--- TRU Industries inter-office memo, regarding SHIFT Program, dated April 9, 2009

PR Problem

(in character)
Have become aware of a potential security breach and PR problem at TRU Industries.

Snoopy new health inspector, name of Shannon, has taken an unhealthy interest in the workings of our business. An especially unhealthy interest in my personal involvement in the business.

Reports that she has been Shadowing our Food Services subsidiary. And, that she is becoming focused on the sausage-making processes in our main meat-packing facilities in Ohio.

Because that plant still uses assembly-line, conveyor-belt "old school" technology, we constantly monitor potential health-and-safety issues there. Yet, her presence raises possible PR concerns: TRU Industries has long been accused of having *volunteers* of our Damsel Acquisition Project "disappear", there, without a trace.

Steps to be taken to insure that the situation does not bring the business to a grinding halt, and slashing the company's bottom line profit.

Action required:

Schedule personal, private meeting with this Shannon, preferably at sausage-plant facilities, ASAP.

Additional note:

Have new acquisition TRU Ropeworks, Inc. ship excess inventory samples to meat-packing plant, in anticipation of said meeting, ...

--- Notes from the journal of Tyrone Randolph Upp
CEO, TRU Industries

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Curiosity and the Cat-Suit

(in character)

Memorandum -- Eyes Only
From: CMDP, South Atlantic Coastal HQ
To: CEO, TRU Industries
Re: CMDP Defense Initiatives

Earlier this week, a black-suited female investigator (who we shall refer to as "Ms. Peele") prowled the grounds of TRU Industries' Southern Atlantic Coastal Headquarters facilities. In regard to our secret Currency Manufacturing and Distribution Program (CMDP), Ms. Peele had acquired proprietary information regarding program details.

Fortunately, TRU Security personnel managed to 'acquire' Ms. Peele, before any sensitive information could be released.

Currently, Ms. Peele is held in custody at our SAC HQ, at the bottom of one of our *malfunctioning* sea-water filtration tanks. We project that the potential threat to our CMDP will be submerged, shortly.

(Confidential -- For Eyes Only)

(out of character)


The above entry was used to launch another poll question from the late, (un)lamented Yahoo 360 feature menu.

Question: In the case of a Snoopy Investigator having been freshly captured by The Bad Guys, what would YOU do?

(a) IMPERIL Ms. Peele, and savor the pretty DiD's helpless struggles?; or,
(b) JOIN Ms. Peele, and savor the pretty DiD's struggles, as if they were your own?; or,
(c) RESCUE Ms. Peele ... after, first, pausing to savor the pretty DiD's helpless struggles; or,
(d) RESCUE Ms. Peele ... just so you can turn around and tie her up, again, and savor etc., etc., etc.?

(Comment solicited, and appreciated, here.)

Experts on Call

(in character)
It pays to have access to the best talent available, people who, in a pinch, can provide knowledge and expertise at a critical juncture in an organization's development.

Recently, we at TRU Industries were apprised of a poorly-considered, and inconvenient investigation, being undertaken by Assistant District Attorney Ellie S. Apparently, the Lady DA was under the mistaken impression that evidence of felonious activity could be unearthed, implicating TRU Industries in "trafficking" schemes.

My corporate officers assured me that no such evidence had ever been allowed to exist. Still, to err on the side of caution, and to avoid thousands in unnecessary legal fees and untold damage to our corporate image, we've called in an out-of-town consultant (whose anonymity will be respected here).

Our new consultant is widely regarded as a crack negotiator, and his professionalism shone through, immediately.

Late one night, earlier this week, our consultant contacted the Lady DA, and invited her for some face-to-face private discussions about the matter. Ellie graciously agreed to accompany our consultant to a venue conducive to deep, sober discussions -- the TRU Automobile Recycling Plant, on the outskirts of town.

Early reports are very encouraging.

Our consultant indicates that he is making substantial progress, and that the ill-advised case against TRU Industries will soon disappear.

He also indicates that the Lady DA will be taking a very extended vacation, as soon as he's finished tying up a few loose ends.

Satisfactory results are expected, soon.

Sunday, February 15, 2009
--- From the personal diary of Tyrone Randolph Upp, CEO, TRU Industries, Inc.

Staff Memo Re: Queen City Superheroine

(in character)
Rumors have been circulating, lately, about a Very Important Heroine, who seems to have taken an interest in TRU Industries, Inc. Word on the street is that she will be flying in, soon, from Queen City, with an eye towards checking out our operations.

As CEO, I have taken it upon myself to look into the rumors of this Superheroine's arrival. I've managed to confirm enough elements of the story to raise the matter to a higher level of awareness amongst upper management.

The TRU Philosophy
(please consult the employee's handbook, under "TRU Mission Statement")
is that we look upon such developments as a "visit from Lady Opportunity": We must always be prepared to seize her, at a moment's notice.

Toward that end, I have appointed three of my most trusted officers -- "Snake" Pitt, Head of Security; "Spider" Webb, from the Acquisitions Department; and, "Leopardz" Lehr, chief of our Waste Management section -- to lead our SuperHeroine Welcoming Committee. These respected and highly-experienced officers are charged with keeping a visiting SuperHeroine occupied and entertained, until I can arrive to answer any final inquiries she may have about any of our special DiD projects.

TRU Industries employees are hereby advised to coordinate all World Domination Programs and Damsel Acquisition Projects with the SWC, until further notice.

(Memo to the staff of TRU Industries)

--- Tyrone Randolph Upp, CEO, TRU Industries

Monday, July 6, 2009

Secretary Appreciation Day, Part 1 (of 5)

(This -- rather, this series of entries -- was originally posted on Saturday, Jan. 31, 2009. The occasion was that, by chance or happenstance, several of my villainous colleagues had expressed great appreciation for white-blouses-dark-skirts as their damsels of choice ... although, as a Villain, I know that those things can vary, from time to time. What struck me was how many had done so within about 48 hours of each other.
(Now, I appreciate a professionally dressed heroine as much as the next cad, bounder, and ne'er-do-well. So, this next series of blog entries originated as my humble attempt at whimsy, in light of the coincidental expressions from Villainous cohorts.
(And, even though this was not posted on the last Wednesday in April -- yes, a National Secretary's Day does exist as a Hallmark Holiday -- as far as we evil, rope-tying Bad Guys are concerned, every day is Secretary's Day!))

(speaking, naturally, in character)

For some reason, yesterday seems to have been declared an unofficial Secretary Appreciation Day, amongst the Villain Community here online. Well, let me extend my hearty endorsement of those sentiments!

As a busy CEO myself, I can vouch for how much my own personal assistant means to me. And, let me assure you that all of us TRU Industries, Inc. executives appreciate everything that these lovely, that these lovely ladies, do for us.

We know that it's no fun when the boss keeps you stuck at work all week, ...

Secretary Appreciation Day, Part 2

... So, when Friday afternoon rolls around, you're ready to head on home, by car, bus, or van pool, ... where you can loosen up, and show your 'wild' side ...

Secretary Appreciation Day, Part 3

... where you can finally kick off your heels, and enjoy some stress-free leisure time.

Secretary Appreciation Day, Part 4

Whether your weekend plans include just some quiet cuddle-time with the boyfriend, ...

Secretary Appreciation Day, Part 5

... or, if you're planning a huge "blow-out" for the weekend, you ladies have certainly earned time for a little rest and relaxation!

We at TRU Industries certainly thank all of you lovely professional ladies, for all you do that makes our work so stimulating, and so enjoyable!

The DiD Industry would be lost without you.

TRU Industries company e-mail

--- From the Desk of Tyrone R. Upp, CEO, TRU Industries

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Connections and Attachments

(in character as TRU)

This week, I've had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of a new damsel business colleague, the lovely Ellie S.

Currently, Ellie serves as the private, executive assistant to the Treasurer of a major corporate entity, here in the States. Since her boss is facing some personal financial problems of his own, most of the day-to-day duties fall to Ellie, who practically runs the office herself. Coincidentally, her company does multi-million dollar business with my target primary bank.

Since she has connections with the bank, and the authority to act on the company's behalf regarding their liquid assets, I politely requested Ellie's assistance in helping me to replenish my own cash reserves.

Late one night last week, I personally 'introduced' myself, and 'invited' Ellie to spend the weekend at my hidden retreat in the woods. Granted, it doesn't have all the amenities of the modern world, but that is in exchange for the increase in privacy, and the elimination of annoying distractions, like witnesses neighbors, friends, associates, etc., etc.

At first, she seemed reluctant to go, but then I offered Ellie some personal touches to make her comfortable, and feel right at home.

Initially, our discussions got off to a rocky start. Ellie was hesitant about the whole idea, and there were long stretches in which she seemed to have nothing intelligible to say, altogether. Ultimately, though, I succeeded in getting Ellie to focus on the advantages of doing business with me, as well as on the disadvantages of her refusal. And, in the end, she came to agree that my business proposal was an offer that she simply couldn't refuse.

Ellie's cooperation was invaluable in obtaining the authorization codes necessary for the bank to make the electronic transfers from her company's accounts, to my personal accounts in the Cayman Islands, where the money is so desperately needed.

P.S.: It seems that no 'good' deed ever goes unpunished. Shortly after I released thanked her for her assistance, Ellie went straight to the authorities to discuss the private deal that we had worked out that weekend. And, despite the fact that our private transactions are really no business of theirs, the DA's office has begun asking intrusive, personal questions about my finances.

So, I think that before the grand jury convenes I leave town on an overseas business trip, I should treat Ellie to a surprise late night date. Perhaps I shall take her on a romantic,
midnight stroll along the pier, down by the waterfront. I know a lovely little place down there, called "The Cinder Block".

I am confident that, once I get her down there, she will no doubt become attached to it ...

----- From the personal diary of Tyrone Randolph Upp
CEO, TRU Industries


Friday, July 3, 2009

Some Damsels Have All the Luck

That pesky, dark-haired, wet-suited Investigator Damsel (you know who you are!) took the bait, but she's a lucky so-and-so. I was all set to end her snooping and meddling in my affairs, once and for all, ...

... Only, she sent this blonde associate of hers, instead of showing up herself! (Some people have all the *^#@^ luck!)

Well, at least, now I've got something to bargain with.

--- The 'Evil-and-Persistent' TRU

Accounts Receivable

(First things first: The above image is a manipulation I did several years ago on an ancient computer running a trial version of PhotoImpact. At the time, I was offline, and shared these manipulated images with only one very special damsel friend, who was not posting them online. Hence, I considered it to be no problem with copyright infringement.
Now, that I'm back in the online damsel-hunting business, I find that I have dozens of images, but I am reluctant to share. In some cases, I do not recall where I found the original pictures, in others I do not know who the originator is. So, I cannot ask them directly for permission to post on my blog, or to share with others. While it is true that my manipulated images usually are difficult to connect to the original artwork, I remain sensitive to the concerns of the artists who create these images which we all enjoy. I want to give them full accreditation, or refrain from sharing them, as they desire.
The above image is one of those examples. I cannot find the site from which I *secured* this original damsel artwork. I do not recall the artist's name, and I cannot find the original again. So, for the (lamentably) few who read my prattling in this place, I ask your assistance.
If you are the original creator of this damsel, then please contact me by e-mail or comment on this entry. If you would like an acknowledgment from yours truly about the origin of this image, I shall be happy to do so. But, if you object to my posting her, then I shall take her down, immediately.
If you know the originator of the damsel, then please contact me, so that I may contact him.
(I keep it easy: the email is, or

(in character as TRU)


From: Office of the CEO, TRU Industries
To: TRU Industries, Accounts Receivable Collections Dept.
Re: New Collections Techniques

HQ wishes to inform the Collections Dept. that, due to your implementation of the company's new collections policies, TRU Industries now enjoys the lowest rate of non-paying and/or delinquent accounts in the nation. This has led directly to a 12.3% increase in company profit margins, and is reflected in whole in our bottom line P&L statements at the end of the quarter. Congratulations!

We especially note the dramatic decrease of high-end delinquencies; i.e., late or non-payment from high-income clients whose financial status indicates the ability to pay, despite their demonstrated unwillingness to do so. Our figures track the increase of payment compliance in this sub-category from the low-90's to virtually 100% compliance. Again, congratulations.

HQ also notes:
(1) The increased time-efficiency of the new methods (payment within a day or two), over the old negotiation approaches (payment in weeks or months, if ever);
(2) The near-100% retention rate amongst the all-male field operative work staff; and,
(3) The financial flexibility afforded TRU Industries, by receiving all delinquent collections in small-denominated cash payments, or in confirmed EFT's (electronic funds transfers) to our numbered Caribbean bank accounts.

Management extends a note of appreciation to Project Managers Kidd Knapper and Abe Ductor, as well as to all the henchmen field operatives for their creative and diligent efforts to help keep TRU Industries on the Black Side of the financial ledger. Keep up the good work, fellas!

--- Tyrone Randolph Upp, CEO
TRU Industries, Inc.


Musings of a 'Dom'

This entry was posted originally in response to what seemed like an epidemic of bad Dom behavior that was affecting my damsel-submissive friends around the beginning of the year. As it appears here, it has been edited to remove some of the 'rant' characteristics of the original post.

It is written from the P.O.V. of a Male Hetero Dominant, and it describes much of my own personal philosophy regarding bondage, DiD play, D/s, and M/s relations. Though my focus was on the online fantasy community, upon rereading the post I believe that most of this applies to real-life encounters, as well.

I welcome comments, suggestions, and (thoughtful, maturely-expressed) criticisms, as with all my blogs. So, feel free, and don't be shy.

(The 'Evil' TRU ascends a soapbox, and clears his throat)

This has been on my mind the last few days, and I had to get it off my chest. First, let me say that, as someone who has been away from the online bondage community for awhile, that bondage and every aspect of it is FUN! Almost every day, I meet new folks, and re-acquaint myself with old friends. I've been chatting, and playing, exchanging ideas, and trading pictures with lots of folks in theDiD community. Fun, like it's supposed to be.

So, imagine my concern when, every other week it seems, I run across a friend, or friend of a friend, or someone whose weblog I've networked to through a friend of a friend, ...and they all gravitate to the same disturbing theme. Some damsels -- the women who expose themselves, willingly, for our mutual pleasure -- are, on occasion, being abused by their roleplay partners. I hope that it is not that frequent, but it happens often enough, apparently, for these ladies to feel the need to comment upon it.

When I read those entries, the same thing always comes to mind: "Are you fellas crazy? What, are you on drugs or something?"

The REAL world out there is violent enough. Gents, I urge you to try to understand that women can feel especially vulnerable out there, sometimes, about things that we fellows wouldn't necessarily think twice about. Then, consider how we would react if someone said or did something untoward around our sisters, or daughters, or mothers, or girlfriends.

I'm asking us guys, be we "Villains", or "Doms", or "Masters", to tap into that feeling when we're online in the B&D community.

Nobody comes online to get misused. We can all do that by just stepping out the front door every morning. We come to our respective corners of the B&D community to explore, and express, and experience our thoughts, ideas, and fantasies with other people who can understand and enjoy them with us. We all come to enjoy that in a SAFE, SANE, and (especially) CONSENSUAL environment.

It's the kind of environment that you do not expect to find off line. But, online, this is the world that we construct for ourselves. My sense of it is that this goes doubly true, for the women, especially, who come and submit themselves to our cyber-world of ropes and gags.

Maybe there is not a lot we can do immediately about the outside world, but here, in the online BDSM community ... THIS is a world that we ought to be able to police ourselves. It starts with US.

The following list is by no means comprehensive, but it is a couple of things that we Dominants (Male and Female, and you submissives, as well) might do well to keep in mind:

(1) "NO" means "NO". Outside of the context of a roleplay, or a session in which all parties have already agreed upon their limits, "No" has to be honored. Period.

(2) "STOP" means "STOP". It doesn't mean, "Well, come on, just try it, I know you'll like it." Even if you do manage to talk someone into doing something they are not comfortable with, chances are they won't like it, won't enjoy the experience, will come away with a lower opinion of you, and won't want to chat with so much in the future. Sorta self-defeating, isn't it?

(3) LISTEN to each other. The fastest way to ruin a good online relationship or even a single session is to let the other party know that you haven't heard a thing they've said. It's a not-so-subtle sign of disrespect. Which brings me to the next point:

(4) RESPECT each other. This part probably should have gone first in the list, because it is what the other things all flow from. You should always try to understand what your partner is saying to you. It is not always necessary for you to understand; sometimes, it may be impossible to understand. But, it is always necessary for you to HONOR what they are saying or communicating to you, whether you understand them, or not. In doing that, you show that you honor the P/person, and the role that they are playing in your life, if even for a brief moment.

If this seems like stating the obvious, well, of course it is. All of this is what grown, adult, mature people do in the Real World, when dealing with family, or friends, or strangers we meet on the street. But it's more important in the BDSM world, because this is the world that WE created.

I think we should A/all be offended, Dom(me) and sub alike, when some knucklehead intrudes upon it and makes it less pleasant for A/any of us.

Now, having gotten that off my chest, I conclude my rant, and I retire from the soapbox.

--- The Man behind the Mask of The 'Evil' TRU

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Business is Booming

This post appeared, originally, attached to another poll question question on the late, unlamented Y360 networking site. The photo is a still capture from video posted by 'herts_km' of, on Flickr. The video link is at

(in character as TRU)_

Among the many interests that we pursue here at TRU Industries is the commercial construction and demolition business. Until recently, it had been a profitable, self-sustaining concern.

In the last few months, however, we've noticed that Demolitions have been imploding. Naturally concerned, we undertook an investigation, and found an unusual cause at the root of our troubles:

Our main competitor's secretary -- and erstwhile girlfriend -- Becky.

Aside from her skill as an office manager, scheduler, preparer of documents, and trusted business advisor, our rival's CEO has availed himself of (among her other assets) her talent as a saleswoman. It seems that the young woman is brilliant, and has a natural gift for real estate. Utilizing Becky's brains, charm, and beauty, our competitor has been signing construction and demolition contracts right out from under our noses.

As a result, we at TRU Industries tried to spirit Becky away from right under their noses.

Recently, I had dispatched a personal representative to 'speak' with Becky about her future ... career.

We thought that we had made some progress: I was told that our representative managed to 'catch' Becky at home, and was 'invited' in to discuss our offer of long-term, er, financial security. She need merely decide to stop working for our rival, and come on board with us, at TRU Industries.

Frankly, we didn't think it was an offer that she could refuse.

Unfortunately, my representative reports that she seems unwilling to make the kind of commitment that we are seeking.

In case of anything less than Becky's unqualified acceptance of our generous offer, then, our representative was ordered to execute my very specific instructions: He was to make the offer, leave the decision in Becky's lap, and promptly leave her, to make up her own mind. He was also authorized to leave behind a few spare products from our inventory, as a lovely parting gift, should he find Becky unwilling to reconsider.

Unfortunately, my representative reports that, in his assessment, we should not expect to hear from Becky again, for a very long time.

-- memorandum to the Board of Directors, TRU Industries

Mr. Ty R. Upp, CEO

(out of character)

Today's peril-poll question:

In exactly 4:00 minutes, TRU's generous offer to Becky, to secure her future, will expire.

But, ... whatever shall have become of the Brave Heroine in exactly FIVE minutes from now?

(1) Becky frees her hand, disables the timer, reconsiders, and phones TRU Industries to accept the generous offer; or,

(2) Becky's CEO lover drops by, disables the timer, and makes a counter-offer, including his idea of a 'raise', with 'perks'; or,

(3) Becky goes all to pieces trying to make up her mind before our offer expires; or,

(4) ____________ (Fill in the blank with your own bad pun).

Betty Page, R.I.P.

Well, if you're reading my blog, you already probably know. Betty Page, pin up queen of the 1950's, passed away Thursday, December 11, 2008.

If you don't know who she was, or if you don't know what the big deal is, then I commend you to the following link:

Some personal thoughts (waaay too many, and waaaaay too wordy for this space) are shared here:

If you're too young or too busy in your own r/l to appreciate her significance as a world icon, then I commend you to, and I suggest that you merely google her name. No less than 4 1/2 MILLION hits will register. I haven't even mentioned the hits you'd get if you do a Google image search.

Willingly, or not, ... wittingly, or not, ... Betty Page contributed to making it possible for people like me, and people like you, to express ourselves in the way that we see fit, today. She was hardly the most important person in that regard, but her contribution -- however slight that some may deem it to be -- is duly noted here.

Rest in Peace, Betty Page.

--- TRU

Weather or Knot

It snowed last night, in Southeast Texas. Four inches in some places. It's the earliest it's snowed like that down here in almost 65 years, according to the weather guys.

And, Janelle wanted to go out dressed like THIS?

I didn't think so, either.

--- TRU

(Note: No, the irony does not escape me, given that we have scarcely seen the cool side of 80 degrees Fahrenheit down here in the last month or so.)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Damsel's Ultimate Fate

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Inside the Damsel's Thoughts

A damsel friend of mine recently commented that this moment was the most exciting moment of her fantasies.

It is between her capture, and her peril. The Villain has left her, to confer with his colleagues. Or, he has left to prepare for her "disposal". He is supremely confident that she will still be there, B&G, alone and helpless, when he returns.

But, what does she think? More importantly, what is she feeling?

Is it, "OMG, these ropes won't budge, and my gag is too tight! I'm doomed!," or, maybe, "Someone will rescue me. I know they will!"?

Perhaps, it's "I've got to get free! I can't let them get away with this!"...or, ...

Maybe, as my damsel friend said, "I can't believe how excited I'm becoming, in spite of this desperate situation!...I've got one last chance to convince my captor to let me go. Maybe, I can ... ?"

I'm curious about what goes through my damsel's mind at various points throughout her 'distress'. More so than just being curious ... because, as is probably apparent by now, I'm a "curious" fellow, in many different respects ... I also think that knowing what feelings and emotions my damsel is experiencing helps make me a 'better' villain for her, either during roleplay chats, and even in R/L (when I'm fortunate enough to "play" with a damsel).

Should any of you damsels or heroines happen to come "trick-or-treating" through this Evil Villain's neighborhood, please feel free to drop a line and comment on the topic. I think I can speak for us villains when I say we'd be fascinated to know what you're feeling.
---- TRU

The Man Behind the Mask

"Tyrone R. Upp" is, of course, an online role-play identity ONLY. Yet, there is a real human being behind the profile. And, he -- that is to say, I -- am reflected in TRU's character.

Yes, TRU will chase his damsel, subdue her, and imperil her. He will leave her, helplessly bound and gagged, in a diabolically lethal death-trap. He may even indulge his lustful appetite for her, teasing and pleasing himself -- and her, too! -- even as he prepares her for peril.

And, yet, ...

TRU does not engage in extreme tortures; or, extreme humiliation; or, pain; or, injury. And, despite his evil intentions, his damsel will invariably survive her adventure with him, unharmed, and unscathed.


Because, the Man behind the Mask -- that would be me, again -- doesn't play that way. I wouldn't have any harm befall my damsel. That would ruin the fantasy.

I find that, online, as well as in R/L, once I take a lady into my ropes, I also undertake the personal responsibility to see after her well-being. It's my obligation to return her to her regular life as healthy and (at least) as happy as she was when I "abducted" her in the first place.

So, I could never tolerate a playmate or chat mate to come to a bad end. That diminishes me, and it diminishes the fantasy. TRU's adventures are intended to be fun, sexy, mutually satisfying ... and above all, safe and sane. Because, for me -- the Man Behind TRU's Mask -- the attraction of DiD is not merely that it is a powerfully erotic image. It is a powerfully romantic image, as well.