Monday, July 6, 2009

Secretary Appreciation Day, Part 1 (of 5)

(This -- rather, this series of entries -- was originally posted on Saturday, Jan. 31, 2009. The occasion was that, by chance or happenstance, several of my villainous colleagues had expressed great appreciation for white-blouses-dark-skirts as their damsels of choice ... although, as a Villain, I know that those things can vary, from time to time. What struck me was how many had done so within about 48 hours of each other.
(Now, I appreciate a professionally dressed heroine as much as the next cad, bounder, and ne'er-do-well. So, this next series of blog entries originated as my humble attempt at whimsy, in light of the coincidental expressions from Villainous cohorts.
(And, even though this was not posted on the last Wednesday in April -- yes, a National Secretary's Day does exist as a Hallmark Holiday -- as far as we evil, rope-tying Bad Guys are concerned, every day is Secretary's Day!))

(speaking, naturally, in character)

For some reason, yesterday seems to have been declared an unofficial Secretary Appreciation Day, amongst the Villain Community here online. Well, let me extend my hearty endorsement of those sentiments!

As a busy CEO myself, I can vouch for how much my own personal assistant means to me. And, let me assure you that all of us TRU Industries, Inc. executives appreciate everything that these lovely, that these lovely ladies, do for us.

We know that it's no fun when the boss keeps you stuck at work all week, ...


  1. You have an exceptional set of secretaries stashed away now. Keep up the good work. Love the sense of humor!

  2. Coming from the most literate villain I know, that compliment goes a long way! Thank you, Sir!

  3. Wow, I would really appreciate that secretary!
