This post appeared, originally, attached to another poll question question on the late, unlamented Y360 networking site. The photo is a still capture from video posted by 'herts_km' of BritishBoundDamsels.com., on Flickr. The video link is at http://www.flickr.com/photos/26702459@N08/3084795686/in/photostream/
(in character as TRU)_
Among the many interests that we pursue here at TRU Industries is the commercial construction and demolition business. Until recently, it had been a profitable, self-sustaining concern.
In the last few months, however, we've noticed that Demolitions have been imploding. Naturally concerned, we undertook an investigation, and found an unusual cause at the root of our troubles:
Our main competitor's secretary -- and erstwhile girlfriend -- Becky.
Aside from her skill as an office manager, scheduler, preparer of documents, and trusted business advisor, our rival's CEO has availed himself of (among her other assets) her talent as a saleswoman. It seems that the young woman is brilliant, and has a natural gift for real estate. Utilizing Becky's brains, charm, and beauty, our competitor has been signing construction and demolition contracts right out from under our noses.
As a result, we at TRU Industries tried to spirit Becky away from right under their noses.
Recently, I had dispatched a personal representative to 'speak' with Becky about her future ... career.
We thought that we had made some progress: I was told that our representative managed to 'catch' Becky at home, and was 'invited' in to discuss our offer of long-term, er, financial security. She need merely decide to stop working for our rival, and come on board with us, at TRU Industries.
Frankly, we didn't think it was an offer that she could refuse.
Unfortunately, my representative reports that she seems unwilling to make the kind of commitment that we are seeking.
In case of anything less than Becky's unqualified acceptance of our generous offer, then, our representative was ordered to execute my very specific instructions: He was to make the offer, leave the decision in Becky's lap, and promptly leave her, to make up her own mind. He was also authorized to leave behind a few spare products from our inventory, as a lovely parting gift, should he find Becky unwilling to reconsider.
Unfortunately, my representative reports that, in his assessment, we should not expect to hear from Becky again, for a very long time.
-- memorandum to the Board of Directors, TRU Industries
Mr. Ty R. Upp, CEO
(out of character)
Today's peril-poll question:
In exactly 4:00 minutes, TRU's generous offer to Becky, to secure her future, will expire.
But, ... whatever shall have become of the Brave Heroine in exactly FIVE minutes from now?
(1) Becky frees her hand, disables the timer, reconsiders, and phones TRU Industries to accept the generous offer; or,
(2) Becky's CEO lover drops by, disables the timer, and makes a counter-offer, including his idea of a 'raise', with 'perks'; or,
(3) Becky goes all to pieces trying to make up her mind before our offer expires; or,
(4) ____________ (Fill in the blank with your own bad pun).
(4)This is the bomb!